Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Appt w/ the Hemotologist

Well let me say that was a waste of $40.00. My appointment was at 1:30. I arrived by 1:15. I had my weight checked and was in the room waiting till 2:10. The doctor talked to me and confirmed what my mom has been telling me for ages. He thinks I have thalassemia. [ WEB MD-Thalassemia (say "thal-uh-SEE-mee-uh") is an inherited blood disorder that causes the body to produce less hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps red blood cells spread oxygen all through your body. Low levels of hemoglobin may cause anemia, an illness that makes you feel weak and tired. Severe cases of anemia may damage organs and result in death. ] That explains why my bloodwork comes back anemic at times and fine at others. At least I know, but I have wasted so much time when I have repeatedly told doctors I think I have that since my mother and aunt do. So after that I had to go wait for the bloodwork to be done. I didn't see the nurse for that until 3pm. I was very antsy.

I have my next appt with my RE on the 19th at 10a. I'm pretty sure with all the blood tests back he is going to prescribe metformin for my PCOS.

I added a ticker at the top of the page to make the countdown to my first weight loss goal. Once I get to 15lbs Hubby and I are going to celebrate. Either with dinner at the melting pot [http://www.meltingpot.com/] or a baseball game. We will choose once we get closer. So far I am at 4lbs, and since I have only been on this diet since Sunday that is pretty good. I know it's water weight but it's still awesome to see the numbers going down for once.

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